Building A Community That Cares

Having Some Fun With It

We love our city, don’t we? There’s just something special about Texarkana, and we think that the community is a big part of the experience. That’s why we set out to help special needs individuals right here in our city in a way that gives them dignity and excitement: employment. Our ministry works with these […]

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A Hopeful Place for Texarkana

Individuals with special needs can use an extra hand. Unfortunately, for many members in our community, that can be a real struggle. If the primary caretaker needs to go to work, then it could leave these people alone for hours, and we offer an alternative. Through our employment ministry, we help people with special needs […]

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More Than Just A Paycheck

Employment is about more than just earning some money. It’s about dignity and respect, and unfortunately, finding a stable and supportive place to work can be tough for some people in our community. Those with special needs might encounter employers who don’t want (or simply do not have the ability) to hire someone who could […]

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