For those with special needs, it can be tough to find a place that feels like the right fit. When it comes to locating and securing a stable position with an accepting employer, that can be very difficult, and that means that there are special needs individuals across the country with no place to go where they feel welcomed while working toward a greater cause. By providing that space in our community, we help them to craft something fun and interact with others.
Here at Redemption Ranch in Texarkana, TX, our team dedicates themselves to creating a great environment for our special needs individuals to thrive, and we have a little fun with it while we’re at it. We design and craft quality home decor, backyard games, and more, all out of reclaimed wood, helping these folks to work toward a common purpose and spend some time outside of the house. Having a place where they can feel valued is a big part of what we do, and you can help us to continue our journey.
Pick up something fun from Redemption Ranch. Check out our store to see what we have to offer!
Everyone Needs A Place Where They Feel Valued
When you wake up in the morning, you want to know that there is a place you can go where people enjoy your presence. Without that, it can be difficult to find your footing in the world, and unfortunately, for many people in the special needs community, that’s a daily experience. Our workplaces are often where we find that, but for those with special needs, it can be a real challenge to find the right employer.
That’s why we started Redemption Ranch. We know the power of a positive, faith-based environment, and we have seen how our work uplifts. We have a little fun with our work, too, so come get to know us.
Redemption Ranch Builds A Community That Cares
Here at our employment ministry, we craft quality items out of reclaimed wood, and we have something for everyone. From our awesome kindling, which can be a great fundraiser for your organization, to our exciting backyard games, you can find something for your family in our shop. Take a look at what we have, and pick out your next favorite while helping the special needs community of Texarkana to provide a positive place for our people.
Find Out A Little More About Us
If you’d like to learn more about what we do, reach out to our office to find out a little about our employment ministry. Pick something up in our shop or give us a call at Redemption Ranch in Texarkana, TX, at (903)244-1397 today!